Blogger Hack
Tired of
"0 Comment(s)" ?
When you have no comments made to your post and you'd rather not display the totally pointless and lame remark
"0 Comment(s)"(it's like
"Not your birthday today..." and
"1 Comment(s)" just looks dumb). Here is how I got rid of it.
1. Place this JavaScript function in the <head> section of your template
<script type="text/javascript">
function wcomment(num, nothin){
if (num == 0){
if (nothin) {
{document.write('Add Comment');}
else if (num == 1)
{document.write('1 Comment');}
else if (num > 1)
{document.write(num+' Comments');}
{document.write('Add Comment');}
// -->
2. Replace this tag: <$BlogItemCommentCount$> :
* If zero comments and you you want to display NOTHING:
replace every single <$BlogItemCommentCount$> with this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// -->
* If zero comments and you you want to display "Add Comment":
Replace every single <$BlogItemCommentCount$> with this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// -->
Monday Rant
Gosh! can be SOOOO darn SLOOOOWWW so very often.
It's just painful when you try to do something other than putting up a quick note.
I've been pretty dumb and would stare at the page while blogger's server churned and chugged away.(I have the mental image of an old man with a bad back trying to get off a water bed)
I have now gotten smart and refuse to wait, so I will just pop over to read other pages.
Sometimes I just can't believe this service is run by "teh" Google.
BTW I've been wondering about this since I first started reading blogs....
Riddle me this:
Why is it that MOST PERSONAL blog authors do not show a picture in their profile ???
Is there some sort of reservation ? shyness ? concerns ?
I just don't get it.
I mean to me it adds a personal touch to a "personal" thng.
I find that I tend not to read strangers rambling thoughts when there is not one single pic.(especially when the author uses stupid net aliases)
Makes me feel like I am reading some personal ad. Just not worth my time.
Blog Post: Sweet and Short
Found this excellen advice in
Promoting Your Blog.
Not some ground-breaking wisdom but to the point and first time I have seen it put so plainly:
Keep your posts and paragraphs short.
Note the brevity of the aforementioned Kottke post. People will come back daily to read your fresh new work but spare them the one thousand word diatribes.
Strive for succinct posts that pump pertinent new information into the blogosphere and move on. Keep it short and sweet so visitors can pop in, read up, and click on.
Think of you blog as a cumulative effect. This doesn't mean you should never practice some long form writing now and then, it's just something to keep in mind.
It take some skills to do this...I personally think that in writing, the majority has the tendency to use more words than it really is necessary to express an idea.
Oh, another note to self: in general people on PC have pretty short attention span - this is how we evolved. No matter how much "attached" to our PC we're - I don't believe people read the screen the same way as they'd read printed media.
I've Seen the Wonder of e-Commerce
I've had this big thick (800 pages !)
"Data Warehouse" book for like 4 years.
Only read a little of it because I never got into Data Warehousing as I was hoping for. So it has long been nothing but dead weight so today I finally decided to get rid of it.
This morning I checked on Amazon and this was the status on the used ones of this book for sale in "Amazon Marketplace"
"54 used & new from $43.78"
Wow ! that's plenty supply for a used technical book.
I listed mine for $42. and thought to myself : "Yeah maybe I'll get a bite in about...8 months...". This was 11:09 AM.
Exactly 1 hour later at 12:08 I got an e-mail from Amazon with the subject
"Sold, ship now. The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit.."
I was like "huh !? what the...?"
2 hours later I shipped the book out. It took me longer to find a box for the book.
A Shameless Attempt to Make $15
Some kid (i guess) posted on Usenet alt.www.webmaster a call for help
Form Help
Looking for individual to quickly make me a form for a client of mine.
This is what they want done:
Fields: Name, Ranch Name, E-mail, Address, Town, Province, Postal Code,
Telephone, Fax,Comments & Questions....."...
For someone who does this, it is probably not that difficult, I just need it
done quick!
I can pay $15 over PayPal if anyone would like to do this for
And the responses were as expected on Usenet - straight-out teasing and kicking the guy's ass.(the consensus quote was $150)
I found it amusing and I got an hour or so to kill and hey it gave me another excuse to play with HTMLDB so I went ahead and whipped this up in a little over an hour (well I'm anal, didn't wanna just whip up crap).
Sent him an email, let's see what his response is.
Well, things learned:
- Dynamically changing tab label value.+
- Mapping checkbox null value to a specific value.+
Just Found this Out with FireFox
Hey I just found out that the "Get FireFox" promo button image will not be displayed in FF as an
inline link...that makes sense heheh.
Can see it this way
But can't see NOTHING this way:

No this is quite a bit beyond coolness.
Just bump into this gem of a site:
WDDG last night and just one word:
Heheh "World Domination Design Group"...loving that name !
The whole concept, theme and design is just stunning and I am not talking about the fancy Flash stuff. I think I was actually drooling while checking out this site.
Man, that is some piece of work..a work of art made in NYC. YEAH !