
Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday Rant

Gosh! blogger.com can be SOOOO darn SLOOOOWWW so very often.
It's just painful when you try to do something other than putting up a quick note.
I've been pretty dumb and would stare at the page while blogger's server churned and chugged away.(I have the mental image of an old man with a bad back trying to get off a water bed)
I have now gotten smart and refuse to wait, so I will just pop over to read other pages.
Sometimes I just can't believe this service is run by "teh" Google.

BTW I've been wondering about this since I first started reading blogs....
Riddle me this:
Why is it that MOST PERSONAL blog authors do not show a picture in their profile ???
Is there some sort of reservation ? shyness ? concerns ?
I just don't get it.

I mean to me it adds a personal touch to a "personal" thng.
I find that I tend not to read strangers rambling thoughts when there is not one single pic.(especially when the author uses stupid net aliases)
Makes me feel like I am reading some personal ad. Just not worth my time.

  • Anonymous Anonymous  |  11/08/2005    

    Mr. Chin, please contact me at charris@mayerbrownrowe.com.


  • Blogger Robert  |  11/08/2005    

    ^^^ what can I do for you ?

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